As part of the EU-SCORES project, a study has been done on the optimal ratio of wind-solar energy converters in a hybrid power plant to achieve as efficient power smoothening as possible.
The resulting configuration is the one that is able to achieve constant power output with minimum stored energy. In the study, it is shown that co-locating wind- and solar energy converters smoothens seasonal energy generation, and reduces the energy storage needed in both the diurnal and seasonal time scales.
The methodology has been applied to south-eastern Sweden, where it is found that a ratio of approximately 40-45% wind power in the hybrid power plant yields the lowest need for energy storage.
The method is valid for any number of co-located energy sources, and can also be extended to sizing of hybrid power systems.
The EU-SCORES project presented this methodology at the 7th Hybrid Power Plants & Systems Workshop that took place in Faroe Islands on May 23-24, 2023.
Read more in the full publication here.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101036457.